Parti Prompt Disclaimer
Many of these prompts are challenging for current generative imagery models. Compare: 253
“a motorcycle” vs 999
“a black background with a large yellow square”.
Drag the slider (or type a number between 0 and 1632) to change the prompt. Additionally, you can click any image to see the full-size verison.
prompts = FileAttachment ("PartiPrompts.tsv" ). tsv ({array : true , typed : true })
table = html `<table></table>`
updateTable = async (prompt, enabledModels) => {
console . log (enabledModels)
while (table. hasChildNodes ()) {
table. removeChild (table. firstChild )
let tr = document . createElement ('tr' )
let th = document . createElement ('th' );
th. innerText = 'Seed'
tr. appendChild (th);
for (let seed= 0 ; seed< 4 ; seed++ ) {
th = document . createElement ('th' );
th. innerText = seed
th. style . textAlign = 'center'
tr. appendChild (th);
table. appendChild (tr);
for (let i = 0 ; i < enabledModels. length ; i++ ) {
const model = enabledModels[i]. path ;
tr = document . createElement ('tr' )
let th = document . createElement ('th' )
th. innerText = enabledModels[i]. name ;
tr. appendChild (th)
for (let seed= 0 ; seed< 4 ; seed++ ) {
let img = document . createElement ('img' );
img. src = ` ${ model} / ${ seed} / ${ prompt} _t.jpg` ;
img. width = 256 ;
img. height = 256 ;
let a = document . createElement ('a' );
a. href = ` ${ model} / ${ seed} / ${ prompt} .jpg` ;
a. target = '_blank' ;
a. appendChild (img)
let td = document . createElement ('td' );
td. appendChild (a)
tr. appendChild (td)
table. appendChild (tr)
updateTable (prompt, enabledModels, thumbnails);